Lining technology
Fluoropolymer linings can be applied to any steel or composite vessel, apparatus and fitting. Linings are an excellent choice to obtain exceptional protection against aggresive media, both high and low temperature or for high purity liquid managment.
Loose lining - the main feature of this process is to fit a polymer sheet, with an opened or closed shape, onto the internal surface of a structure. The lining remains loose which means it isn't attached to the surface of a vessel or fitting. Loose linings are suitable for equipment with simple shapes such as flanges cylinders with blind covers or conical.
Sheet lining - the lining material is directly applied to the steel component by means of an adhesive system. Complete adhesion is ensured due to vacuum technology. Components with adhered lining systems represent an advantage as they can also be operated when high negative pressures occur.
Fixpoint lining - during this procedure, the lining material is applied to the component through fixed points either by conventional method (screwing) or Plastlite® technology (welded by means of a patented technology that uses high-energy light. This process allows for a smooth surface of the lining on the medium side so that caking, residue build-up or damage are avoided).